Promoting Hope In Sport...Saints SportsFest Virtual Challenge 2021
We take this opportunity to thank everyone that participated in our Saints SportFest Virtual Challenge, made possible by our sponsor Standard Bank, creating Hope In Sport. The event took place on Saturday 3 April 2021 and consisted of three Challenge types: a walk/hike, a run or a cycle. For this virtual challenge, each participant decided on the distance that they completed - as long as it was logged between 06h00 to 18h00 on the day.
This fun event was aimed at students, families and the broader school community. The best part of this virtual event was that anyone could participate…anywhere...and our Saints families certainly used this to their advantage and sent in pics from as far afield as Sun City, Durban, Hekpoort and Stellenbosch.
All funds raised from the entry fees raised will be donated to St Stithians College’s Thandulwazi Maths and Science Academy, a 100% donor-funded, nation-building educational upliftment programme established by the College in 2005. The programme assists in providing a greater number of young people access to quality education focussing on Learner and Teacher Development. For more information on Thandulwazi, visit:
We invited our Saints families and students to wear their Saints Supporters stripes or Saints team uniforms while participating in the Challenge to show support for Saints #StrongerOneAndAll and to take pics of themselves and their family members taking part and send these to We received an overwhelming response and shared these images on our social media platforms to inspire and celebrate our virtual challenge throughout the day on Saturday - thank you to One & All that sent in photographs, truly inspiring.
Our Campus was open on the day of the Saints SportsFest Virtual Challenge and in line with our theme #HopeAndLight2021, we invited our Saints Family who were in Johannesburg for the Easter weekend to walk or run the Path of Hope & Light around our beautiful campus. As a result, Saints was buzzing on Saturday with our Saints Community walking the path and discovering the stories about the eleven chosen sites by scanning the QR codes located on the solar posts and lighting up our history.
We hope that everyone that took part in our re-imagined Saints SportsFest Virtual Challenge, sponsored by Standard Bank, enjoyed the day and we thank them for promoting Hope In Sport, for #InspiringExcellence and #MakingAWorldOfDIfference.
We take pleasure in sharing with you the pics shared with us on the day...