Diversity and Transformation

Diversity and transformation at St Stithians College involves all its staff, students and parents in an endeavour to make each of our schools inclusive and reflective of South Africa’s demographic profile and to make it a place where everyone can work together with pride and a sense of belonging, to uphold our position as a top independent faith-based school locally and globally. We are working tirelessly in forming our bonds of unity in identifying the common factors that enable us to live in harmony and afford every individual equal dignity.

We are conscious of the fact that we come from different backgrounds and cultures. We also recognise that there are social, economic and political imperatives that call for reflection and intervention to redress the inequalities and injustices imposed on all South Africans through apartheid. Our values are what we have in common as a St Stithians community. They guide how we work with all our stakeholders and each other, inform the type of work we do, and hold us accountable to do our best. They govern our actions and determine our success.

Our journey towards diversity and transformation has included a process of identifying the change and the culture we want at St Stithians and proceeds by committing each member of the St Stithians community to pursuing our desired culture and change every day.

St Stithians College’s focus on institutional culture change addresses the following areas:

Student access, support and success: our admissions policy and our guiding principles that enable all our students to perform at their best.
Staff access, support and success: our employment equity and recruitment policy and staff development programmes.
Place and space: names of buildings and artworks both academic and social spheres
How we respond to all forms of discrimination and harassment.
Community engagements and partnerships.
Curriculum transformation and support: enhancing the work done in our inclusive classrooms.

Educational institutions have power to transform and create an inclusive society. The enduring goal of building a functional, diversified and transformed institution is to produce civic-minded leaders who will be active in guiding and shaping society to be a better place for One and All. 

Policies and Reports:

Our Sub-Council Transformation Committee includes the following representatives:


Reshma Lakha Singh



Malande Tonjeni 

Parent - Boys' Prep/College


Ishmael Motsoeli

Old Stithian Association


Lindiwe Kwele

Parent Girls' Prep/College


Yumna Peer 

Boys' Prep Parent 


Lisa Botes

Junior Prep Parent


Noma Shange

Campus Director: Diverstiy and Transformation 

Our Campus Transformation Committee includes the following representatives:


Doris Hatendi 

Junior Prep Director: Diversity & Transformation


Tebogo Maneli 

Girls' College Director

Diversity & Transformation 


Noma Shange

Campus Director

Diversity & Transformation 


Leluma Phosholi

Girls' Prep Director

Diversity & Transformation


Manzini Hlatshwayo

Thandulwazi Diversity & Transformation Representative


Thebolo Motshegare 

Boys' College Director 
Diversity & Transformation


Alwyn Van Wyk

Boys' Prep Director

Diversity & Transformation


Jon Harrison-Bowen

Operations Department Representative

Diversity & Transformation


Lukhanyiso Msutu

HR Representative 

Diversity & Transformation


Mfundo Ncube 

Advancement Representative

Diversity & Transformation