Welcome to

Girls college

Inspiring Excellence
Making a world of difference
St Stithians College St Stithians College
Dr Sally James
Girls’ College Head

Head's message

St Stithians Girls’ College provides an inclusive community where our young women are encouraged to explore, experiment and investigate. In line with the College’s Methodist ethos, this involves active participation in the variety of academic and extracurricular activities on offer.

I am a strong believer in acknowledging the role education plays in cultivating humanity. In our
school we are shaping and moulding responsible citizens of the world. These are individuals who can
operate as world citizens with sensitivity and understanding. We have adopted a broadminded
approach to education at the Girls’ College and actively encourage our students to be critical of their
habits and conventions and aware that life contains a multitude of possibilities. Our approach is to
create independent, resilient and accountable women who are able to see difference and foreign
not as a threat to be resisted, but as an invitation to explore and understand, expanding their
capacity for citizenship and cultivating a humanity that inspires excellence and is ambitious in
making a world of difference.

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A College of Gratitude and Service

latest news


Round Square-Internationalism (Ballarat Grammar School Visit)

July 22, 2024 | Girls’ College
Just before half term, we were delighted to welcome the arrival of a delegation of twelve students and two teachers from fellow Round Square school, Ballarat Grammar, from just outside Melbourne, Australia.
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GC Mandela Day 2024

July 18, 2024 | Girls’ College
In honour of Mandela Day, our GC students, parents and College Ops Dept collaborated with Leratong Primary School in Orlando East, for what we are calling "Mandela Month". Promoting reading, through the donation of books and the creation of educational toys, the opening of the library this Mandela Day was special!
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Appointment of Ms Kate Christowitz as Director of Rowing

We take pleasure in announcing that Ms Kate Christowitz has been appointed as Director of Rowing
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