Council Chair Induction - Ntombi Langa-Royds
In a moving service held on Friday 11 February, we inducted Mrs Ntombi Langa-Royds as the ninth Chair of the St Stithians College Council. Mrs Langa-Royds has been an involved member of our community for the last 26 years. Ntombi and her husband Ken Royds joined our community as parents in 1996 when their daughter Lethabo-Thabo Royds began her schooling with us in the Girls’ Preparatory. Her brother Thabang then joined the Junior Preparatory in 2006. During their children’s time with us, Ntombi and Ken were involved and supportive parents and served on a variety of committees and working groups. Among others, Ntombi has served as Chair of the Council Remuneration Committee (now called the People, Talent Committee), the Junior Preparatory, Boys’ Preparatory and College PTA’s. Ntombi was also Deputy Chair of Council. Truly a remarkable record of servant leadership.
Mrs Langa-Royds has many interests two of which are her love of basketball and football. She was part of the founding committees of both the Saints Sports Fest Football and Basketball committees; two sports which continue to show continuous growth at St Stithians. Ntombi is a truly an example of a servant leader who has given selflessly and generously of her time, talent and treasure. She knows the College well and is one of its greatest supporters. Ntombi was the natural successor to our previous Chair of Council – Carel Nolte.
Professionally, Ntombi has over 30 years’ experience in the Human Capital environment. She has worked in various industries, she currently serves as a Non Executive Director on several listed companies. She has published and contributed to various articles and published work. Ntombi has been a part time faculty member at various Business Schools internationally and locally. Ntombi has been a member of various educational institutions throughout the years and her most notable contributions are highlighted below, being:
• Chairperson of the Life College Unlimited Trust
• Life Champion at Life College Unlimited
• A long-standing board member at Life College
She is a long serving member of St Thomas’s Anglican Church, who has served on the Church Council and Synod. She currently holds the positions of a church warden and is also is an acolyte in the Servers Guild. We have no doubt that Ntombi will continue to serve the College well and it is our privilege to have her watchful eye, guiding hand and wise stewardship of St Stithians College.
We share with you some photographs captured at Ntombi's formal induction ceremony held on Friday 11 Febuary 2022.
#InspiringExcellence #MakingAWorldOfDifference #StrongerOneAndAll
(article created by excerpts from the Rector's letter to Saints Fmaily published on 17 February 2022)