Educational philosophy
At St Stithians Girls' College our educational philosophy is aimed towards being a Thinking School that prepares its students for the academic challenges of an excellent education, as well as for the world beyond schooling.
In order to be relevant to South Africa and its needs, as well as the needs of the global community, our academic programme in Grade 8 and 9 offers the following learning areas that form part of the GET (General Education Training) curriculum: English (Home Language); Afrikaans or Zulu or Sotho (a choice of one additional language); Mathematics; Life Orientation; Natural Sciences (Science/Biology); Social Sciences (History/Geography); Creative Arts (French, Music, Art, Drama – a choice of two options); Economic and Management Sciences; Technology.
In Grades 10, 11 and 12 students are required to take seven subjects: four compulsory subjects and a choice of three subjects from the subject list below. We offer the following subjects as part of the FET (Further Education and Training) curriculum:
Compulsory: English (Home Language); Afrikaans or Zulu or Sotho (a choice of one additional language); Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy; Life Orientation.
Optional subjects (a choice of three): Physical Science; Life Science; History; Geography; Art; Music; French; Dramatic Art; Accounting; Information Technology or Computer Application Technology.
We also offer the following extension subjects: Advanced Programme English; Advanced Programme Mathematics.
We employ academic support specialists who assist girls with specific academic needs, from those with barriers to learning to those who are more gifted.
In Grade 12, St Stithians learners register to write their final examinations with the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) as part of the National Senior Certificate qualification. View our latest Matric results here.
The use of technology to enhance learning and teaching is strongly encouraged. We have adopted a MeLT (Mobile e-Learning and Teaching) philosophy of integrating technology into the classrooms.

We are a Methodist church school and at our heart, is a beautiful chapel graced by vivid stained glass windows. The girls attend chapel on a weekly basis and our chaplain leads us in a prayerful life, in keeping with our honour code: Honour God, Honour others, Honour self. Our chaplain also drives our religious education programme, which includes visits to communities around us that need our assistance and support.
We value silence and silent spaces in our busy world and so, beyond chapel, we look for the face of God when at our outdoor chapel, our labyrinth and our termly “walk of silence”. In keeping with our desire to create a more peaceful world, our school does not have an electronic bell system.
Leaders One and All
The leadership programme at the Girls’ College is based on Robert Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership. We believe that every girl has a part to play. We endeavour to create opportunities for all girls to lead through service to the school and to the community. We embrace the philosophy of Seriti: an awareness of the shadow that we cast, the legacy that we leave and a need to treat others with dignity.
Our leadership is based on strong democratic principles. We strive to make leadership about serving a need rather than badge or position. We strive to empower and inspire our girls to become strong, confident young women, ready to take their part in shaping South Africa and the world. We are leaders, one and all.
Saints girls are servant leaders – this relies on four principles:
- Every girl is a leader
- Leadership is knowing your best self
- Leadership is all about community – the other
- Leadership is essentially about service

Round Square
What being a Round Square school means to us
The Round Square spirit is part of the fabric and ethos of our school community and is put into practice in a variety of ways under the precepts of IDEALS (International understanding, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership and Service). This promotes transformational action, participatory responsibility and character development in every individual. We honour silent spaces and encourage our girls to be future leaders. Our motto, “One and All”, embraces a sense of belonging and community; ubuntu. We inspire excellence, and making a world of difference. Read more about Round Square Exchanges.
Service is an integral part of school life. We help our girls to partner others in making a world of difference. Each girl is encouraged to perform a substantial number of service hours, either in school-sponsored, regional or international projects, exposing them to a cross-section of society.
The benefit of participating in service activities assists girls to develop an understanding of the social-economic and cultural complexities of our society, to forge friendships across the socio-economic spectrum and to develop character traits such as compassion and empathy.
Examples of the opportunities available to the girls include the Saints Award (service hours), the Global International Service Summit, informal settlement projects, Saints Trek (a hike with a service component) and service linked to the Kamoka Bush School.

Every girl at St Stithians College is encouraged to participate in creative arts activities. A wide range of options is on offer, facilitated by a team of talented and dedicated professional staff. Girls can become involved in the Girls' College Choir, the College orchestra, Amazwe Chamber Choir, Saxes of Note, the Flute Ensemble, Harmony à capella ensemble, debating, Djambo Djembes, the Marimba Band, Drama Club, Chess Club, Dale Carnegie course, Photography Club and technical crew.
There are many events held during the course of the year, in which the girls can perform or participate as members of the audience. Some of these include: Night of the Stars, the inter-schools Phyzz Fest, inter-House cultural competitions, one-act play festivals, a range of orchestra and ensemble concerts, choir recitals, debates, Chess Club, art exhibitions, photography courses, talent contests, drama productions and the annual major production.
Inspiring excellence
Sport forms an integral part of school life at the Girls’ College. We cater for sportswomen of all ability levels and encourage all our girls to become actively involved in our diverse sports programme, thereby ensuring a holistic education. St Stithians Girls' College boasts a number of national, provincial and district sports representatives and coaching is offered at this high level. However, by offering sport on a social level as well, we provide opportunities for all girls to get involved and encourage every girl to participate in at least one sport per term.
Excellence is promoted through our philosophy of participation, commitment and enjoyment. We encourage a love of sport which ties in with the ‘attitude of gratitude’ that we seek to promote by girls using their skills and talents to the utmost, while promoting wellness of body and soul and an appreciation of their God-given talents.
We provide quality coaching for all levels, from beginners to national level sportswomen, and believe that by nurturing all athletes we promote a true, lasting passion for sport.
Sports offered include swimming, diving, water polo, tennis, squash, mountain biking, rowing, equestrian, netball, soccer, hockey, cross-country and Saints Striders.
Sports facilities
At St Stithians we are proud to have world-class sporting facilities on our own campus.
These include two floodlit hockey AstroTurfs, a FIFA-standard soccer pitch, six floodlit tennis and netball courts, six squash courts, an Aquatics Centre which houses a heated 25m pool, a heated fulll-size water polo pool, a diving pool and a 50m pool, as well as a mountain biking track and numerous running trails.