Leaving an Old Stithian Legacy Bequest

Leaving a bequest Legacy to St Stithians is a lasting gift which ensures the future of the school. As part of the 75th Birthday Beacon of Light celebrations, we call on Old Stithian alumni, parents and community to consider leaving a bequest to the school.

To leave a bequest to St Stithians College Endowment Fund is to pledge a wonderful gift for the future. It is a donation that shows your appreciation. It is recognition that St Stithians will need a steady source of capital investment if they are to continue to thrive as leading South African school.

Click Here to Print a CODICIL - available for your guidance and the provisions can be incorporated in any subsequent updating of your will.  Please complete the Codicil and include it in your will.  You are welcome to notify St Stithians of your intention by emailing Alistair Stewart astewart@stithian.com or Julia Phipps jphipps@stithian.com.

What will Bequest funding be used for?
Bequests will be invested through the Endowment Fund for the future sustainability of the school.  A healthy Endowment fund ensures that the school can be financially independent, plan for the future, assist with capital projects, hire specialist staff and provide bursaries to those who need them.

What is a Bequest?
A Bequest is an allocation of a portion of your Estate in your Will. It is a posthumous donation in honour and memory of the Old Stithian. Bequests can be in the form of:

  • Money
  • Trusts
  • Policies (e.g. life insurance)
  • A percentage of your Estate

Why do I need a Will?
The following are the main advantages of drawing up a Will:

  • To direct the distribution of your assets to those you care about most.
  • To choose a personal representative (executor) who will oversee the distribution of your assets.
  • To provide for family members, friends or relatives according to their needs.
  • To provide appropriately for minor children by naming a guardian or establishing a Trust.
  • To save considerable estate duties by utilising proper estate planning techniques.
  • To provide support for charitable organisations which have special meaning for you.

Tax Information
(South Africa Only)

Estates are currently free of estate duty up to R3.5million. Thereafter Estate Duty is charged at 20% and at 25% on the estates in excess of R30m. Any amount left to a recognised charity or to an educational institution, such as St Stithians College, is free of Estate Duty and so deducted from the net Estate value.

Please consult your financial advisor should you reside outside South Africa.

Our personal appeal to you
You are part of the Old Stithian family. You are one of the privileged few that have passed though the College corridors, sung in Chapel, cheered for your House Teams and experienced a wold class education. Your bequest can help others by Inspiring Excellence and Making a World of Difference to St Stithians students.