Santas Shoebox Project

November 05, 2014 | Boys’ College

Webb House Community Service

It has been my pleasure running the Community Service Project for Webb House during the third term. The Santa Shoebox Project is an amazing initiative that was started by the Kidz2Kidz Foundation in 2006 and has grown exponentially over the last 8 years. The Webb House boys were asked to pledge a shoebox containing essential toiletries supplies and gifts for children of all ages, throughout South Africa and Namibia. Each boy did so, knowing and understanding that this pledge was their own responsibility. I am delighted to announce that Webb House collected 65 Santa Shoeboxes for underprivileged children. This project has shown the boys the true "gift of giving" and their contribution to this initiative will allow many children to have a happier Christmas.

Tamaryn Ross
History Teacher
Boys' College - Webb House
