FEDA - Original Works Section Winners

May 16, 2016 | Boys’ College

Last week the drama boys performed in the FEDA (Festival of Excellence in Dramatic Arts) Original works, with a self-created piece called - THE DISPLACED.

The play highlights the issues of prejudice and of the refugee crisis in the world. The boys gave a moving and compelling performance, entertaining the audience with an element of satire, while challenging them to think critically about the present issues in the world.

The boys were up against some extremely stiff competition especially from St Mary's, St John’s and Lebone College who were all placed in the Top 5.

However, the adjudicators said the brilliance of the ensemble work mixed with the mature handling of global themes and superb theatrical techniques gave St Stithians Boys’ College the competitive edge.

Congratulations to the cast and crew for winning the Original works section!

They will now compete against the winners of the published works this Saturday and we wish them lots of luck.