Boys' College Matric Results 2024

January 13, 2025 | Boys’ College


We are delighted to announce that our 2024 Matrics have excelled in the IEB’s matriculation examinations. The Independent Examinations Board (IEB) offers a rigorous assessment of the National Senior Certificate curriculum, preparing our students well for tertiary study. We will be highlighting the achievements of our top performers below. We wish also to stress our pride in each matriculant who has done his best. We thank our teachers, parents and community for pulling together with our students to enable them to achieve excellence and make a world of difference.

Our philosophy of learning and teaching promotes an academic culture which seeks to meet and extend the needs and styles of each student, enabling personalised and meaningful learning to take place. We pride ourselves on this approach, which seeks to optimise individual learning across the academic spectrum and includes enrolling a number of students with identified learning needs. We are proud of the top academic achievers, among the best in the country and whose results are documented individually, as well as of each student who has excelled against personal benchmarks.

Matric is the destination of a long journey of learning. We acknowledge the contributions of the teachers at the Preparatory Schools of St Stithians College, as well as those of other Primary Schools which educated this year’s Matric cohort. We pay tribute to the impact of Kamoka Bush School on the lives of our students on their Saints journey.

At this time of focus on the academic gateway of Matric, we affirm our commitment to the education of young people of character, who make an impact as leaders and citizens, shaped by a Methodist ethos. Academic learning is complemented with a diverse and highly successful sporting, cultural, outdoor education and community engagement curriculum.

Summary of the Boys’ College 2024 Matric results:

  • Candidates: 144
  • Pass rate: 100%
  • Qualified for Bachelor Degree Studies (BD): 140 (97,2%)
  • Qualified for Diploma Studies: 3 (2,1%)
  • Distinctions (Level 7 or 80% and more):  355 (average of 2,47 distinctions per candidate)
  • Students achieved 4 or more distinctions: 43
  • Students achieved the College's Academic Honours Summa Cum Laude award which is an average of 90% or more: 3
  • They join the list of 48 top academics who have achieved the school's highest award since we introduced this in 2007.
  • 75,7 % of our students achieved 1 or more distinction
  • A total of 11 candidates achieved within the top 1% of all IEB candidates in a specific subject, creating a cumulative total of 18 subject marks, across 11 subjects

Message from the Head of School

To the Boys’ College Matric Class of 2023 - A Message from Mr David du Toit about the Matric Results

Dear Matrics


A year ago, we all met in Mears Hall where I shared a presentation on your academic progress as a cohort, and we committed to what we thought we would achieve at the end of 2024. Is it not wonderful when a plan and a goal comes together? I am thrilled to share your results with you today, and I celebrate your academic results as a cohort. This is a significant moment in your lives, receiving your results that are a culmination of 13 years of schooling. These results open the door to the next passageway in your life journey, and we need to stop, take a breath, and enjoy this moment.

Below is a very high-level summary of your results as the Boys’ College Class of 2024. There is much to be proud of as you have, in some metrics, achieved the best results we have seen at the Boys’ College. You have set new standards for others to match and surpass in the future. Junior’s vision of ‘Saintshood’ emphasised that we are a Brotherhood within a larger family. As such we celebrate today together with the Girls’ College who have also achieved outstanding results with their Class of 2024. I wish to congratulate Dr James and her students and staff on their outstanding successes and thank them for the strong bonds and collaboration between our schools. Together our Saints Matrics of 2024 have achieved stellar results. One4All and All4One.  

Today we celebrate you, our graduating class, as a truly remarkable group of boys who have left a most positive legacy in our space and have created many memorable highlights. You have now achieved superb academic results to complete your journey. As a group of young men I see you as 144 unique individuals who know who you are, what you do, what you stand for, who you do it for, and what transformation you can create in lives.

Your results reflect not only your hard work, your ability, and your accountability, but also your resilience. You should be proud of one another as you have done this together. Stop, look around at your peers and congratulate them. What stands out for me is that each student has had their own unique success – for some it is 9 distinctions, for some a BD pass and for some the chance to move into tertiary study. What comes next is now up to you, and we wish you every success and much joy and fulfilment in your futures.

‘Work Hard, Be Nice’ and ‘Saints Honour Code’ have been constant mantras in your Boys’ College career, which started in the challenging year of 2020. If you live out these two mantras with integrity and consistency, you will be well set for life. I know that I do not have to remind you to take time out as you celebrate your results to thank the people who supported you along the way. My advice is to take the time to send notes or messages, or to find the people who have been there for you, and to simply reiterate your gratitude and love for them:

  • to your parents who have loved you, supported and cared for you, and given you the opportunity to attend this excellent school.
  • to your friends who have carried you at times, collaborated with you, and ensured that the journey was fun.
  • to the staff in your school journey; from early years in primary school to those who passionately and with skill and determination taught and coached you and cared for you in high school.

I extend my thanks to all who have nurtured, listened, advised and pushed you along the way, in particular our Boys’ College staff to whom I am deeply thankful to for their commitment to your growth. Teachers from our Junior Prep and Boys’ Prep, as well as those teachers in other feeder prep schools who have played such important roles in setting you up for your success and will be interested to see how well you have done. I thank them for their impact in your lives.

On your behalf, I also thank the Independent Examination Board, who dealt with queries and issues timeously and efficiently, and ran an examination system of the highest standard. 

As I wish you the very best for your future, I trust that you will remember the lessons and values you have learnt at St Stithians College, and that these will stand you in good stead in the challenging and uncertain but exciting times we face. Continue to value People and their impact in your life, continue to grab Opportunities, and continue to slow down and fully appreciate and learn from Experiences you have. Be great brothers and partners and adults who love, carry, take responsibility, check in and find solutions. May you continue to ‘sing like Siya’ through your lives! Much is expected of you.

Thank you for being a superb group of young men who have brought much happiness to our space. I look forward to hearing of your success in life, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. 

‘And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.’ (1 Corinthians 13)

Warm regards

Mr David du Toit
Head of School: Boys' College 


St Stithians Academic Honours Summa Cum Laude (average of 90% or above):

Gary Chapman

Gary Chapman

Honours Summa Cum Laude

Richard Leschner

Richard Leschner

Honours Sum Cum Laude

Emile Odendaal

Emile Odendaal

Honours Sum Cum Laude


National IEB Achievements:

The following students were placed on the IEB’s list for Outstanding Achievement (i.e. achieved within the top 5% of learners in 6 or more subjects and a rating of level 7 in Life Orientation):

  • Gary Chapman
  • Richard Leschner


The following students have achieved a result in the top 1% of IEB candidates in their subject:  

  • Fletcher Brown (English Home Language)
  • Gary Chapman (Afrikaans First Additional Language, Information Technology, Life Orientation, Physical Sciences)
  • Luke De Villiers (Mathematical Literacy)
  • Andile Dingaan (Dramatic Arts)
  • Richard Leschner (TCL Practical 7)
  • Karabo Machepha (Dramatic Arts)
  • Arabile Maphiri (Dramatic Arts)
  • Darien Naidoo (Dramatic Arts, English Home Language, History, Life Orientation)
  • Siphesihle Ndlwana (Dramatic Arts, IsiZulu First Additional Language)
  • Emile Odendaal (Afrikaans First Additional Language)
  • Matthew Rowlands (Geography)


Distinction candidates (in order of number of distinctions achieved)

9 Distinction (subjects at Level 7): 2 students

Gary Chapman

Gary Chapman

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Accounting, English Home Language, Further Studies Mathematics, Information Technology, Life Orientation, Mathematics, Music Trinity School London and Physical Sciences.

Richard Leschner

Richard Leschner

Afrikaans First Additional Language, English Home Language, Further Studies Mathematics, Information Technology, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Music Trinity School London and Physical Sciences.


8 Distinctions (subjects at Level 7): 3 students

Lwaganda Mali

Lwaganda Mali

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Accounting, English Home Language, Further Studies Mathematics, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Tristan Schuurmans

Tristan Schuurmans

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Business Studies, English Home Language, Information Technology, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Marc Smith

Marc Smith

Afrikaans First Additional Language, English Home Language, Further Studies Mathematics, Information Technology, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.


7 Distinctions (subjects at Level 7): 13 students

Shay Beeka

Shay Beeka

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Accounting, English Home Language, Geography, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Regis Dzenga

Regis Dzenga

Afrikaans First Additional Language, English Home Language, History, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Christopher Griessel

Christopher Griessel

Afrikaans First Additional Language, English Home Language, Geography, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Michael Kevan

Michael Kevan

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Accounting, Further Studies Mathematics, Information Technology, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

David Krige

David Krige

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Accounting, English Home Language, Geography, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Sibulele Mtengenya

Sibulele Mtengenya

Business Studies, English Home Language, History, isiZulu First Additional Language, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Siphesihle Ndlwana

Siphesihle Ndlwana

Accounting, Business Studies, Dramatic Arts, English Home Language, isiZulu First Additional Language, Life Orientation and Mathematics.

Emile Odendaal

Emile Odendaal

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Accounting, English Home Language, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Ryan Palmer

Ryan Palmer

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Accounting, English Home Language, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Matthew Rowlands

Matthew Rowlands

Afrikaans First Additional Language, English Home Language, Geography, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Tanaka Somerai

Tanaka Somerai

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Business Studies, English Home Language, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences,   

Ben Wallis

Ben Wallis

Accounting, English Home Language, History, isiZulu First Additional Language, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Peter Watt

Peter Watt

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Business Studies, English Home Language, History, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.


6 Distinctions (subjects at Level 7): 6 students

Aidan Appalsamy

Aidan Appalsamy

Accounting, English Home Language, History, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Branden Lightfoot

Branden Lightfoot

English Home Language, Information Technology, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Sonwabile Majola

Sonwabile Majola

Accounting, Business Studies, Computer Applications Technology, History, isiZulu First Additional Language and Life Orientation.

Matthew Morgan

Matthew Morgan

Business Studies, English Home Language, History, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Ethan Nel

Ethan Nel

Accounting, Computer Applications Technology, English Home Language, Life Orientation, Life Sciences and Mathematics.

Russell Southworth

Russell Southworth

English Home Language, Geography, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.


5 Distinctions (subjects at Level 7): 7 students

Cameron Bezuidenhout

Cameron Bezuidenhout

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Business Studies, Information Technology, Life Orientation and Mathematics.

Aiden Edmunds

Aiden Edmunds

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Accounting, Life Orientation, Life Sciences and Mathematics.

Aidan Hitchings

Aidan Hitchings

Business Studies, English Home Language, History, Life Orientation and Mathematical Literacy.

Gabriel Hore

Gabriel Hore

Business Studies, English Home Language, Geography, Life Orientation and Life Sciences.

Lancelot Khumalo

Lancelot Khumalo

Business Studies, English Home Language, Information Technology, Life Orientation and Mathematics.

Noah Oosthuizen-Speirs

Noah Oosthuizen-Speirs

Business Studies, English Home Language, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Visual Arts.

Liam Slattery

Liam Slattery

Accounting, History, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.


4 Distinctions (subjects at Level 7): 12 students

Fletcher Brown

Fletcher Brown

Computer Applications Technology, English Home Language, History and Life Orientation.

Andile Dingaan

Andile Dingaan

Dramatic Arts, History, Life Orientation and Mathematics.

Matthew Ehret

Matthew Ehret

Dramatic Arts, Life Orientation, Life Sciences and Mathematics.

Jared Falck

Jared Falck

Accounting, Geography, Life Orientation and Physical Sciences.

Dylan Franck-Stephens

Dylan Franck-Stephens

Afrikaans First Additional Language, Geography, Life Orientation and Life Sciences.

Joshua Kontominas

Joshua Kontominas

Business Studies, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Arabile Maphiri

Arabile Maphiri

Dramatic Arts, English Home Language, History and isiZulu First Additional Language.

Jack Murray

Jack Murray

Business Studies, History, Life Orientation and Mathematical Literacy.

Darien Naidoo

Darien Naidoo

Dramatic Arts, English Home Language, History and Life Orientation.

Mpho Ndhlovu

Mpho Ndhlovu

English Home Language, Life Orientation, Sesotho First Additional Language and Visual Arts.

Didier Pousson

Didier Pousson

Accounting, Geography, Life Orientation and Life Sciences.

Ryan Zvinavashe

Ryan Zvinavashe

Accounting, Dramatic Arts, Life Orientation and Mathematics.


3 Distinctions (subjects at level 7): 10 students

Corbin Bouwer, Reqalabotjha Matlaila, Connor Mc Cluskey, Zuko Msimang, Lukhanyo Nhlapo, Tiego Tainton, Marco Testaferrata, Anesu Zvinoera, Candidate X*, Candidate X*


2 Distinctions (subjects at level 7):  17 boys

Christopher Anderson, Sima Bobo, Cullen Bradford, Hamish Byusa, Rixongile Chinkanda, Alexander Getuli, Karabo Machepha, Joshua Meyer, Ross Pringle, Mbusowakhe Sithole, James Stewart, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*


1 Distinction (subject at level 7):  39 boys

Olunje Boqwana, Francois Botes, Rehan Essop, Ross Garrett, Braedon Hollingworth, Ethan Jacobs, Nehal Jagarnath, Loapi Kukama, Alawa Ledwaba, Thomas Lowman, Thato Madziwanyika, Kwandile Menyo, Ronan Murray, Hlelo Ngwenya, Pranav Raichetti, Joshua Ralph, Andile Simango, Connor Sneddon, Abulele Tanga, Marco Turanjanin, Max Turanjanin, Sebastian Van Wyk, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*, Candidate X*


We wish all our matriculants a fulfilling first year out of school, wherever they find themselves, and we encourage them – One and All – to stay connected with St Stithians as they venture forth into this new stage of their lives.     


Mr David du Toit                                                                                                      Mrs Celeste Gilardi
Head of School                                                                                                        Rector 
St Stithians Boys’ College                                                                                        St Stithians College