The road on the extra mile is less congested…

October 27, 2015 | Boys’ Preparatory

The Boys’ Prep Polo team and staff give a HUGE shout out to the boys and interns (Keri & Michelle) who gave up their half term to run the preparatory water polo tech table at the Saints Invitational Water Polo Tournament.

Keeping an eye on each score, possession change, player kick-outs, Chukka time and overzealous spectators and coaches was no mean feat. What was even more remarkable was that some of the boys who volunteered to assist don’t even play polo but simply chose to support their school when the call for help was made. Within the same spirit of serving others, Keri and Michelle two of our intern students dedicated their half term to oversee the boys and offer support, guidance and much needed humour as the tournament heat and length took its toll. This while their exams are looming around the corner was time greatly appreciated by our prep first team, parents and the coaching staff.

As a College we reinforce our values with the statement: Know yourself, Be yourself and Make your contribution. Our interns and boys who volunteered at the Invitational Polo Tournament put this value statement into action. They proved:

Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer and in doing so, make their contribution.

Thank you to the tech table for the value add, the heart and difference you made to the tournament.

The players who participated would not have had the experience of this prestigious tournament without your role.

Your half term time spent poolside is a true example of Servant Leadership in action.