The Learning Walk

October 07, 2015 | Boys’ Preparatory

A Learning Walk is an organised tour of a school’s learning areas or the school itself. The purpose of the Learning Walk is to focus on improving the core of instructional practice. Dr. Richard Elmore defines core educational practice as “how teachers understand the nature of knowledge and the student’s role in learning, and how these ideas about learning and knowledge are manifested in teaching and classwork.”

In a Learning Walk, the Prep executive walk through the school, moving in and out of each classroom, taking note of the state of teaching and learning in the room and then assisting teachers in strengthening and/or making changes in instruction and learning.  Specific and salient features of the classroom that are viewed include: student work on the walls and in folders, journals, and/or notebooks, arrangement of desks, presence and display of rubrics and/or other ways for students to internalise standards, evidence of our school character, our vision our commitment towards creating “Happy Fulfilled boys” etc.

Amongst several factors, some of our Learning Walk focus includes:

What examples of strong instructional focus do we see in the classroom and in the work of the teacher?

Does the classroom reflect a balance between individual and group learning?

Does the classroom have visual displays stimulating learning?

Does the classroom reflect organisation in the teaching and learning?

Does the classroom have routine, yet allow for creativity?

Does the school welcome each boy each day?

Does the school deliver its vision, its values and our commitment – Each and every day?

Ultimately, do we inspire our boys and staff?

Do we continue to make a world of difference?