Grd 3 River Rafting

November 01, 2017 | Boys’ Preparatory | Author: Mr Q Pascoe

On Saturday 28 October, our Grade 3 Dads, a Mom and their lads joined Mr Pascoe and Mrs Temlett for a morning of River Rafting just outside Parys.

Leonardo Da Vinci said: “When you put your hand in a flowing stream, you touch the last that has gone before and the first of what is still to come.”

The statement resonated with me, it was my final rafting trip and yet for these boys this was their first. I could not have asked for better company to end my rafting at Saints.

The rafting experience started with a mandatory safety talk but once our first brave pair launched the first “crocodile” into the river (amongst fisherman lines) it was show time.

Boys and boats eagerly attacked the water's edge and soon our group was happily paddling towards the first rapid.

Our greenhorn skill set found several “crocs” lodged on rocks but the energy and drive did not wane as we braced ourselves going down the first rapid. Again our greenhorn proficiency resulted with some dads and lads traversing the rapid outside of their “croc”. Fortune favoured the brave and the tenacious; soon we were paddling in unison, entertaining our sons and enjoying snacks on the move. We looked like a group of seasoned paddlers. The rapids no longer proved to be a hurdle but, instead, the long flat windy stretches became each dad’s nemesis as they became the single energy creator while their sons opted to sit idle inside their “crocs”.

The entire 8 kilometre trip was filled with humour, laughter, a connection between dads and lifelong memories between dads, mom and sons. The time our parents made to be fully present with their sons and to show their love for their sons was indeed a joy for me and Mrs Temlett to witness.

Thank you to the partners who allowed each dad and mom to come out and play, and thanks to all the boys who braved the entire experience (I am sure the Wimpy breakfast added to the fun).

Thanks to Mrs Temlett, the first female teacher to attend the initiative. I am convinced seeing the boys whose boat was once anchored (literally) and whose course is now set, will give you and your grade many stories to retell in class.