Sweat The Small Stuff

November 23, 2015 | Boys’ Preparatory

The end of the year is drawing closer – The past eleven months started as a blank page which we are confident we have filled with possibility, potential, challenges, adversity and of course adventure!

If life is like riding a bike, it is impossible to maintain your balance while standing still.

At boys’ prep we are definitely not be standing still. We will be moving forward; we will be making progress and we will be reaching our goals right until the end of the year.

The challenges are there, concluding our innovative academic curriculum, a varied and competitive extra-curricular sporting program and completing our compelling cultural program.

It will, without a doubt, be an exceptionally busy year end and one that we will all need to tackle with determination, forward driven momentum and commitment.

At this time of year, people are often encouraged not to "sweat the small stuff" and in the grander scheme of things, this is sound advice.

However the prep would like to use a bit of poetic license and appeal to you all "to sweat the small stuff" at this time of year as we focus on the basics. If we take care of the small problems and hold true to the fundamental rules - then the bigger concerns will very often take care of themselves.

This is our appeal to boys and the entire prep community. Let's focus on the basics:

Be punctual; smile; say thank you; wear your uniform with pride and be the best you can be...

Work hard; play hard; be kind to others; choose to see the best in the world and choose to speak kindly of others...

Be honest; be honourable; make mistakes; learn from your mistakes ...and make a difference!