Matric Results 2024

The release of the Matric results is a time of transition for our Grade 12s. Thirteen years of dedicated work have finally brought them to the peak of their school journey. From this vantage point, the vista of a new world begins to make itself visible. As parents and guardians, you have given so much to get your children, now young adults, to this point. You have kept faith in your children and in us in the valleys and have celebrated each upward step from the very start of this journey.
I am confident that our Matrics go into their futures with the very best education that a school can offer. Our school is only as good as our staff and I am so proud to work with the caliber of staff that we have at St Stithians. I know that we have teachers who are committed to continuous growth and improvement and our students reap the benefits of this. I am grateful to all of our teachers for their care and dedication. I am equally grateful to the families who have supported their children through the challenges and anxiety of the Matric year.
Our theme for 2024, One4All and All4One is certainly an apt reminder of the importance of the ‘All’ of community that it takes to allow the ‘One’ to thrive. These results are not achieved in the Matric year alone but they are set on the foundations and structures laid and built by your support, together with our superb staff. You and the Saints staff have, without a doubt, been All4One.
I have every confidence that our students will continue to be One4All. In my frequent interactions with them, I have been delighted by young men and women of character and substance. Our unique configuration of boys’ and girls’ schools allows our students to find their niche at their own pace and in their own space. It has been very pleasing to note the deepening bonds and understanding that continue to develop between them as they grow not only as individuals but as a campus family of brothers and sisters. I am always struck by the pride that they have in their schools and in the College as a whole.
Each year, we celebrate the path made by our Matric class. They show the way for those behind them and follow in the footsteps of our alumni. We have been particularly proud of four of our alumni, Protea cricketers, who have made such an impression in the Test series against Pakistan. In the second Test, Ryan Rickelton scored the eighth highest batting score for a South African with 259. His achievement came against the backdrop of fierce personal criticism after the first Test. This quote, from an article by Stuart Hess in the Sunday Times, sums up Rickelton, the Proteas team as a whole and what we strive towards as a College: ‘His was an innings of high quality, blending attack, resolute defence and the ability to forge partnerships that broke Pakistan.’
These values are what I see ingrained in our current cohort: ‘high quality’, a ‘resolute’ spirit and the ‘ability to forge partnerships’. The Matric results give us much to celebrate and we applaud the high quality of each and every student. There are times when a resolute determination has been needed to stay the course – they have seen it through. Above all, they have forged partnerships that will last a lifetime. They have been and will continue to be One4All and All4One.
As a school, we are firmly committed to our Methodist values and the Fruits of the Spirit. Every year we mark the loss of members of our Saints family at a Remembrance Service. As we mourn their loss, we give thanks for the legacy that each of these resolute spirits has left us. When we suffer profound loss, it is our values that hold and anchor us. The loss of loved ones is a reminder of the importance of community.
The announcement of results brings our students to that long-awaited peak. Soon, they will start on the paths of their choice that will take them towards the careers and lives that they have perhaps dreamt of in the last lesson on a Friday afternoon. Now is the time that all the learning, all the pillars and all the character developed will determine the shape of the path to come. I hope they will think back often to being in the Chapel with the stained-glass windows depicting the Fruits of the Spirit shining on their blazers and the Good Samaritan in front of them. May they always, in the words of John Wesley, ‘Do all the good that (they) can, by all the means (they) can’. A Saints education makes doing good in the world achievable if our values are lived out.
When the results of the Boys’ College and the Girls’ College are combined, our 251 candidates achieved a 100% Matric pass rate, a 98.4 % Bachelor’s Degree (BD) pass rate, and a total of 742 subject distinctions (80% or more). 10 students achieved the St Stithians Summa Cum Laude award – an average of 90% and above. A total of 175 students achieved an average of 70% or above. 22 students achieved 36 subject marks in the top 1% of all IEB candidates across 15 subjects.
Reflecting our model of a College of Schools, the results of the Boys’ College and the Girls’ College are published separately. Please click on the links below for each school.
Girls’ College Matric Results 2024 Boys’ College Matric Results 2024

None of these results would be possible without our St Stithians teachers at the Junior Prep, the Boys’ Prep, the Girls’ Prep, the Boys’ and Girls’ Colleges and Kamoka Bush School. We acknowledge those teachers at all the other primary and high schools, who have dedicated themselves to making these results achievable for each of our students. I am proud to be a member of this College as we embrace inclusion and make this a place of academic support and safety for all. I celebrate the results of all who have worked and who have achieved their personal goals.
Please stay in touch with us. We follow our Old Stithians with great joy and look forward to reunions here and internationally as you forge a life where you make a world of difference. Please mark 2034 in your calendars and be here for your 10-year reunion. We look forward to hearing your stories.
As the St Stithians community, we look forward to the release of the public schools’ Matric results; once these become available, we will celebrate the results of the students attending our Thandulwazi Maths and Science Academy’s Saturday School.
As a staff, we are currently looking at the ‘Seasons of Leadership’. To our Matrics, as the leaders who will shape the future of South Africa, I offer this as a point of reflection as you begin this new phase of your life: ‘Taking time to understand who you are, why you are here, why you matter, and what you should do with your life is essential.’ You may not have the answers to any of this yet, but these reflections can be turned into questions that will lead you to a life of richness and purpose. Take time to understand who you are and be assured that you matter.
The theme for 2025 is ‘A Family of Schools. A School for Family’. No matter where you go in the world, you remain part of the Saints family. Once a Saint, always a Saint. You are part of a tremendous community. Leave us with pride in who you are and come back to us often.
Mrs Celeste Gilardi Dr Sally James Mr David du Toit
Rector: St Stithians College Head: St Stithians Girls' College Head: St Stithians Boys' College