Announcement: GC Student Leadership Executive 2023/2024

June 23, 2023 | Girls’ College

Jozi Nupen shared a really movning tribute before the new Leadership Executive were annocunced. We share a couple of words from her speech below;

"It’s been really interesting to be part of the interview process this year. It’s made me think a lot about what we were going through as a Grade last year. I was telling the Grade 11s that in the beginning I didn’t know if I was going to apply for Head Girl. I was worried that I would need to change who I was if I got the position. I was scared that I would change how I behaved, how my friends saw me would be different, my relationships with teachers would change. And I think that whoever is elected as our executive this year might be be going through the same thing. So maybe just one last piece of advice before we hand over to an incredible team for the next leadership cycle. Luckily, your worth is not based on the position, on the title or on the badge. The value that you bring is based entirely on the fact that you are a human being who is authentic and is able to connect with the people that you lead."

The GC is proud to announce its Student Leadership Executive for the 2023/2024 leadership cycle.

Tanatswa (Fifi) Mugadza

Head Girl 

Fifi is the type of person who values the relationships she creates with others. She is passionate about recognizing people for who they are and the immense value they add to this space. She is open-minded and strives to create a space where people can be honest and relate authentically to one another. Teamwork is something she values highly and thus she wants to collectively build on the foundation that has been created by the current SLC in a way that makes every member in this school feel a part of something bigger than themselves. She is incredibly grateful for being entrusted in this role and strives to be authentic throughout this journey

Please scroll down for the names, photos and bios of the Deputy Head Girls.


Keinemigisha Mwebeiha

Deputy Head Girl 

The oldest daughter of two Ugandan parents, Keinemigisha (Keine) has always been placed in a position of leadership within the family. Consequently, this has manifested itself in many other areas of her life and has enabled her to approach leadership opportunities with structure and authenticity.

Once Keine puts her mind to something, it has to be accomplished and her determination enables her to achieve the goals that she sets for herself. At the same time Keine is aware of her capabilities and inabilities. Her self-awareness allows her to hold herself accountable. Her ability to hold herself accountable allows her to set clear expectations for herself and allows others to have clear expectations of her. Keine is an empathetic person and she desires to ensure that those around her feel heard and seen. Her desire to ensure others feel heard and seen help her better communicate and collaborate with others.

Keine’s vision is one of “creating our own identity.” The goal of her leadership term would

be to leave the school more unified and more aware of itself and its capabilities. She wants the

Girls' College's goal not to be “to become equal” but rather be “to become better.”


Cayla Dhaeyere

Deputy Head Girl 

Cayla believes that as a school, our beauty lies in the individuality of One and All. She values and promotes deep and meaningful relationships and connections, where each member of the community is not only acknowledged but celebrated for their uniqueness. Her vision is to create a community that nurtures a sense of belonging, something she values deeply and deems important. 

She has experienced first-hand the effect of a environment that values each member’s individuality. Her feeling of belonging has strengthened over the past four years and made a whole world of difference to her overall school experience. An experience that she desires to share and realise for others. 

Photos: Anele Yaka