Community engagement at work in Girls' College
On October 14 2023, St Stithians Girls College students joined forces with Swaragano NPO and another organisation, Pholoso M Foundation, to give back to the community. This organisation provides daily meals to the children and women living in the Bramley informal settlement, thanks to donations from those who are touched by the stories they share on social media.
At Iphutheng Primary School, ten of our students focused on addressing educational concerns. They collaborated with Pholoso M Foundation, an organisation dedicated to educating less fortunate children in Alexandra, particularly those in Bramley informal settlements served by the Swaragano organisation. Our students, driven by a passion for teaching young children, took charge of various classes. Some taught colours and numbers to Grade R children, while others worked with students in grades 3, 4, and 5, imparting English and Sepedi language skills. The children were eager to learn from these young mentors. Within those four hours, meaningful connections were formed between the Saints students and the children.
Meanwhile, back in Alexandra, nine students ventured into the informal settlement on their way to Mpho's kitchen, the founder of Swaragano NPO, located in her home where the garage served as her kitchen. Despite the challenging surroundings, our students eagerly took on the task of preparing a lunch for the settlement's children. Their enthusiasm to help was undeterred by the limitations of space and materials. They shared a single table for vegetable chopping, and a bench to make the day's activities possible, even assisting in cooking pap for the children. Once a meal of potato curry and pap was ready, a group of women and toddlers, arrived with food containers to receive food. Our students served them the food and then moved to Iphutheng to distribute food to the children who had just completed their lessons.
Witnessing our Saints students' commitment to community engagement, regardless of their surroundings, exemplifies their dedication and compassion. The bonds they forged with children from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds highlight the depth of their interactions and relationships.

#InspiringExcellence #MakingAWorldOfDifference #HappyFulfilment #Legacy #PurposeInspired #PassionDriven