
Below are some key public College policies, available in PDF format for general information:
- Access to information
- Admissions
- Alcohol
- Anti-fraud, corruption and bribery
- Aquatic centre
- Chapel usage
- Code of Conduct: Student
- Code of conduct: Staff
- Code of conduct: Parent
- Dogs on campus
- Fundraising and events
- Fundraising and events forms
- Learner drivers
- Learning and teaching policy
- Learning and teaching policy: Addendum - Procedures for academic support
- Learning and teaching policy: Addendum - Procedures for academic assesment
- Learning and teaching policy: Addendum - Language offerings
- Lightning and safety guidelines
- Lyme Park gate
- Memorials on campus
- Parent grievance procedure and form
- Procurement Policy
- Saints Charter
- Smoking
- Sponsorship
- Use of facilities
All other internal policies are available on the secure document portal.