Saints Old Boy Kevin Anderson shines at Wimbledon

July 07, 2015 | Campus

St Stithians College is incredibly proud of Kevin Anderson – a St Stithians College Old Boy who often visits the school when he is in the country – who made it to the fourth round at Wimbledon and unfortunately lost against Novak Djokovic.


Boys' College tennic coach Marius Masencamp (left) and Kevin Anderson

Anderson attended St Stithians Boys' Prep and St Stithians Boys' College. He left the Boy’s College in 2002. He is a valued member of the Saints family and we are so happy to see him doing so well at what he loves. St Stithians College's Strategic Intent is to be a school inspiring excellence and making a world of difference and Anderson's commitment to tennis and his excellent work in the sport is a great example of someone who is living this out. 

Said Dr Tim Nuttall: As Rector of St Stithians I express our collective pride that our former student, Kevin Anderson, progressed to the fourth round of Wimbledon and took the number one seeded, Novak Djokovic, to the fifth set of an epic tennis match. We have watched Kevin’s international career keenly, and we are pleased that he and his family have kept contact with St Stithians College. Kevin’s mother, Barbara Anderson, hands out the Tennis trophy to the winning team at our annual St Stithians Easter Festival. Together with many in our community, I watched the unfolding drama of the contest between Kevin and Novak Djokovic. The fifth set decider, which saw Djokovic win, was the end of a great game of tennis. We salute Kevin on his fantastic progress in the competition. “

Tennis, like many of our other sports at the school, continues to grow and the teams continue to show their talent and commitment to the game. During the course of 2015, the first team has won three tennis festivals and is unbeaten in Gauteng league matches.  Said Marius Masencamp, Boys' College tennis coach, about the school's tennis coaching philosophy: "We've grown the sport to currently having our first team at number one in the country. But, we also want to cater for all levels of tennis and promote a healthy and happy lifestyle." Masencamp added, "[Kevin] is a huge inspiration for all our players: just to see a South African who went to Saints doing so well at Wimbledon [is great inspiration for the players]."

We asked Neville Godwin, Anderson's coach, about Anderson and their work together. He said, "All his basics were so well instilled by his father Mike and his previous coaches Louis Vosloo and GD Jones. I hope I brought to the table a little more of an attacking mindset and the confidence and belief to get forward in the court."

St Stithians aims to ensure that all our students are able to follow their passions and to do the best they can at whatever they choose to do. Congratulations to Kevin and his whole support team! We are incredibly proud of his achievements.

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