"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see"- Mark Twain

May 03, 2017 | Boys’ Preparatory

Kindness is the universal language that is comprehended beyond the boundaries. Everyone understands and speaks this language. An act of kindness never goes futile. If you are kind to someone it will reflect in your and his behaviour. Being kind to others instils a positive feeling and makes this world a better place to live.

As part of our values programme we looked to initiate a school which places action to kindness. Our boys were inspired by a Chapel service on kindness and then in collaboration with ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) we challenged our boys to #make their contribution.

Each grade was given the freedom to approach this initiative as they deemed fit.

Grade 3 supported the CHOC foundation and raised R3,416.53
Grade 4 & 7 collaborated and supported the Alexander SPCA and raised R3,800.00
Grade 5 supported Ivory Park and raised R3,213.95
Grade 6O supported the Teddy Bear Clinic and raised R910.00
Grade 6P & W supported the White Lion Rescue and raised R2118.00

Kindness is one of the seven virtues. It can be defined as the righteous and caring attitude towards other. But the definition of the kindness does not limit to these two words only. Kindness is a complex term to comprehend yet simplest to realise. Showing kindness towards others gives a feeling of joy to the recipient.

At our preparatory, we aim to ensure that kindness is not a virtue to be adopted or showcased in specific situations. Rather, it should be a basic behavioural attribute of our boys. Our boys are taught to realise that kindness is not only a religious virtue. But it can be very well adjusted in all spheres of life. Being kind to your siblings or peers helps to build a strong family foundation. Showing kindness to neighbours and others help in developing a positive social environment.

Our boys further demonstrate that 'What goes around comes around'. So, just be polite and kind in your behaviour and the same will come back to you. Being kind to self is equally important as being kind to others. Don't be harsh to yourself and give space to the trivial mistakes in life. As, we only learn by committing mistakes. Learn from the experience and move ahead in the positive direction.

Well done boys, your ARK money boxes were well received, the kindness afforded the various groups we supported made a wonderful impact. Thank you for engaging with our values programme and for giving it so much traction and action.


Mr. Q Pascoe