Grade 1 Winter Storytelling Evening

July 28, 2023 | Junior Preparatory

On a chilly night in July, the Grade One teachers came back to school dressed in their pyjamas. They unlocked their classrooms, switched on the lights and prepared to welcome their students back to school for the Winter Storytelling Evening. Soon the corridors rang out with the sound of laughter, greetings and conversations as the children began to arrive. 

Teachers love to read stories to their students as they know that there are so many benefits to reading aloud to children. On this particular evening, the stories were chosen to delight, engage and entertain our Grade Ones. 

The children snuggled up on the carpet with their soft toys, blankets and pillows and settled in for a wonderful hour of stories read by their class teacher. A delicious dessert was enjoyed by each child too. The children’s interaction with the stories was a joy to see.

Thank you to all the staff involved for making the evening memorable and to our parents for their support.