Friendship Day in the Junior Prep

February 14, 2020 | Junior Preparatory

This week the Junior Prep celebrated Friendship week. This was also the week we launched our new Fruit of the Spirit: ‘Love’, represented by a strawberry.

On Friday 14 February the children arrived at school wearing pink, red and white. Love was all around the Junior Prep as the children celebrated their friendships. Each grade had fun activities planned for the day.

The Grade R children took a walk to the dam after Chapel, with their teddy bears in tow, to have a Teddy Bear’s picnic. They had lots of fun showing off their special plush toys to their friends. They explored the bird hide and took great delight in spotting a family of ducks in the dam.

The Grade One children received surprise letters of love and affirmation from their parents. They were all so excited when the teachers told them their parents had written letters to them. Some were asking “When did they write the letters?” “Did you go to my home to fetch the letter from my parents?” and many other questions. The teachers sat down with each child to read their letter. Their faces told a story of true happiness as they listened to what their parents had written.

The Grade Two children made ‘Love Bugs’ in their art lesson. In class they wrote heart-warming messages on why they thought the person who was their friend was special. They read their messages to each other and it was touching to see how delighted they were by the words that were written.

Love and laughter was seen and heard all over the Junior Prep, reminding us of a conversation between Winnie the Pooh and Piglet when Piglet asked “How do you spell love?” to which Poo replied “You don’t spell it. You feel it.”