Thandulwazi Maths and Science Academy

The project I would like to make a donation towards is:

Thandulwazi Feeding Scheme
Throughout the year, the Thandulwazi Saturday School program hosts an impressive number of 800 to 1250 Saturday School learners across 32 sessions. Their aspiration to improve their marks is truly inspiring, and their determination serves as a beacon of hope for a better future. However, we have observed that most of these young scholars arrive without having eaten and often without any food at all. We recognize the profound impact proper nourishment can have on a child's ability to learn and grow. To address this pressing issue, we are appealing to the wider Saints Community to come together and support our mission. We are actively seeking the assistance of individuals and/or companies who share our passion for empowering these young minds by ensuring they have access to a nutritious meal during their time at the Saturday School Programme.

The Samantha Kirk 'Making A Difference' Fund
The Kirk Family remain grateful for the ongoing support in memory of their beloved daughter Samantha. The family are grateful for each donation received. Training students from Thandulwazi Saturday school in CPR and other life saving First Aid techniques ensures that these skills are transferred directly into the communities that need them most. #forSam

A Journey of Hope and Light
A call to the courageous, the visionaries, the adventurers, who see light and hope where others see darkness. Together we cannot wait for what might be. The courageous set sail not because they must, but because they can see the broader horizon. We can each light a candle; we can gather those candles into a flame, and together, light a beacon of hope. Our light, hope and strength comes from deep faith and the knowledge that we are part of a greater possibility. We are defined by what we dare to do. Let’s ensure the sustainability of the Thandulwazi Maths and Science Academy for generations to come, not so that we can receive, but so that we can continue to give with generosity and sail with light and hope in our sails. To dream is not to wish, but to act. Join us and help raise R75m by 2028 for the Thandulwazi Trust Maths and Science Academy’s Endowment Fund.
Thandulwazi General Donation
Thandulwazi (isiZulu for "Love of Learning") is well-placed to offer an educational intervention programme to improve the learning and teaching of Mathematics, the Sciences, Accounting and English for Grade 9 to 12 Learners and to provide upskilling workshops and a professional development programme for Teachers.

Thandulwazi Maths and Science Academy Endowment Fund
Ensuring that the Thandulwazi Trust Maths and Science Academy remains a beacon of light for many more generations still to come - Making A World Of Difference to One And All.

Thandulwazi Teacher Development Programme
Providing upskilling workshops to Early Childhood Development (ECD)/Foundation Phase and Intermediate Phase Teachers, and professional development workshops for Principals working in public schools and ECD Centers, with a focus on Mathematics Teaching Practice, Numeracy, Literacy, School Leadership and ECD Management.

Thandulwazi Academic Scholarship Programme
Providing Academic Mathematics/Science Bursaries to talented historically disadvantaged South African Learners (who are currently attending schools where they will not be able to optimise their talent) to attend St Stithians College from Grade 10 to 12.

Thandulwazi Initial Teacher Training Programme
This programme pays for the degrees and on-site training of new Teachers in order to grow the number of professional Teachers in South Africa and build teaching capacity in the subjects of Mathematics, the Sciences, English and Early Childhood Development (ECD)/Foundation Phase of education in the broader basic education sector.

Thandulwazi Saturday School Programme
Providing extra tuition in Mathematics, the Sciences, Accounting and English to Grade 9 to 12 Learners from under-resourced schools, serving disadvantaged communities in Gauteng Province, on selected Saturday mornings.

Jackie Matlala Saturday School Support Fund
This support fund has been created to honour the current Boys' College PTA Chairperson, who will be leaving at the end of the year. Thank you for the countless hours of hard work and support to the College and the Thandulwazi Maths and Science Academy Jackie!

Leaving a Bequest Legacy to Thandulwazi
Leaving a bequest Legacy to the Thandulwazi Maths and Science Academy is a lasting gift which ensures the future of the school.

Thandulwazi Maths and Science Academy
Established in 2005 by St Stithians College, the Thandulwazi Trust Maths and Science Academy is a 100% donor funded nation-building educational upliftment programme which recognises that by providing a greater number of young people access to quality education, we are providing them with the knowledge and skills needed to become active and contributing members of our broader South African community.
The Thandulwazi Trust Maths and Science Academy is a registered NPO, PBO and has a 99.62% BBBEE rating, enabling donors to receive Section 18A Tax Certificates, BBBEE points, Socio-Economic and Skills Development contribution recognition.
Donors may choose a specific Thandulwazi Programme to support or are also welcome to make a general gift to the Thandulwazi Trust Maths and Science Academy.