Conversations with Dr Fazel Randera, TRC Commissioner

June 21, 2023 | Boys’ College

As part of Youth Month, on Wednesday, 15 June, the Matric History students had an incredible opportunity to engage in a thought-provoking conversation with one of the esteemed commissioners of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), Dr. Randera. It was truly a privilege to have him share his invaluable insights with us.

During the session, Dr. Randera provided a brief overview of how he was appointed as a commissioner and explained the purpose behind the TRC. His role primarily involved working on the Human Rights Violation Committee, which focused on addressing the atrocities committed between 1960 and 1993 in South Africa. Victims of gross human rights violations were given the chance to apply for a hearing, where they could bravely recount their personal stories.

The discussion didn't shy away from the criticisms surrounding the TRC and its efforts to establish truth and foster reconciliation. As the Matrics posed questions about the process of granting amnesty to perpetrators and providing reparations to victims, it became apparent that there are no easy answers when it comes to evaluating the TRC's success and failures. Dr. Randera openly acknowledged the complexities, frustrations, and shortcomings that were encountered along the way.

The session proved to be incredibly enlightening, offering a deeper understanding of the intricacies involved in the TRC's mission. The introduction and heartfelt thanks given by Ben Sher and Kwande Bam to Dr. Randera truly highlighted the exceptional calibre of History students we have here at the College.

We are grateful for this invaluable experience and extend our sincere appreciation to Dr. Randera for sharing his expertise with us. Let us continue to explore and learn, as we strive to make a positive impact on our society.

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