The Long Row

September 09, 2016 | Girls’ College

30Km from Emerald Casino to Loch Vaal

"In keeping with a Gauteng Rowing tradition the Long Row takes place annually along the Vaal River on the Sunday nearest the Winter Solstice. Rowers row approximately 30 km from Emerald Casino to Loch Vaal. The boats arrived at the Vaal River at 6am, in the cold and fog. Then it was all hands/spanner & ratchets manned by children and parents to get the boats rigged. There was great excitement and anticipation to get everyone going. Two Girls' boats took to the water, an Oct  for the girls' mixed team and an eight for the girls parents' boat.  A third boat had the junior boys' crew. Supporting parents had the opportunity to watch the rowers from two vantage points, one at the bridge and the other from the resort. At Loch Vaal, when the rowers got off the water the “camp moms/dads” had already set up the picnic, to make breakfast for the hungry crews.

The girls' mixed boat included 4 x U14 who can be very pleased with themselves for having rowed this distance. The following day parents were working out what parts of them did not hurt but also felt just as proud as their daughters after their weekly ergo sessions and Sundays at the dam practising had paid off. It was a great day,  big thanks to everyone who got involved to make this event fun.  In the spirit of rowing it was successful teamwork – coaches, children and parents."

Tracey Williams