Grade 5 MeLT

October 11, 2016 | Girls’ Preparatory

The Grade 5s began their MeLT (Mobile eLearning and Teaching) Programme in July 2016. The teachers embarked on a journey of learning and spearheaded the use of iTunes U in the Grade 5 classrooms. They created a series of interactive courses incorporating video content, App integration and PDFs that have engaged and extended learning and teaching in the grade. The unique courses have provided opportunities for the girls to be creative and innovative in their interactions with the content: doing, amongst other things, online quizzes with Quizizz and Socrative; listening comprehensions with Edpuzzle; science experiments using iMovie; presenting book reviews using Keynote and the Apple TVs in their classrooms.


Working with the iBook on Metals and Non-Metals


If you walk into a Grade 5 classroom today, you may be met with a scene of constructive chaos – some girls will be outside, some inside, some in groups, some in pairs, some choosing to work independently. It is a space of shared learning, incorporating hybrid mixes of paper, pens and tech. Girls are given opportunities to express their learning in ways that appeal to their unique styles. The tech is providing them with voice and choice, and authentic learning experiences while still affording them with multiple opportunities to make and create while interacting with the content.

Learning and teaching in Grade 5 will never be the same again.


Presenting a book review created on Keynote using the Apple TV


Hypbrid learning spaces


Doing a quiz


Working with one of the iTunes U courses


Mrs Nakooda, Mrs Decker and Ms Sidwell sharing their iTunes U journey with the Girls' Prep staff