MeLT in Grade 5

July 15, 2016 | Girls’ Preparatory

The Grade 5s began their MeLT (Mobile e-Learning and Teaching) journey this week following Parent-Daughter iPad Security and Social Media/Online Safety events. The day began with an iPad barazza which included, amongst other things, setting up Wi-Fi connectivity and school email accounts.

Here are some of the activities the girls carried out with their iPads this week:

  • Used Inspiration Maps and Pages to plan an activity
  • Used FileBrowser to access school work
  • Used PDF Expert to complete and annotate worksheets digitally
  • Used SpellBoard to study spelling words for the week
  • Used Mathletics to do Maths activities

Using FileBrowser to access school work and then, PDF Expert to complete and annotate worksheets digitally


Using SpellBoard to study spelling words for the week


Next week, the girls will be gaining access to their first iTunes U course.

This truly is the beginning of an exciting digital journey for the Grade 5s!